Well, hello there! And welcome!

Welcome to Unicorn Foodie!

No, I'm not cooking up hot dishes for non-existent animals, but I am feeding folks with unique culinary requirements. It started with my daughter, Abi, who has a bajillion food sensitivities. Then my hubby's body decided that refined sugar was not gonna fly. And then, let's add my GF/DF+ self to the mix. You know what that means? It means any meal that we eat together is challenging, to say the least. But it IS possible!

In this blog, I plan to share recipes that I've created or modified to work for us. I'll also do some restaurant reviews, places I've found that are willing and able to work with this herd of unicorns. And if I come across a product or two that I think are amazing, you'll get my opinion on those, too.

Sit back, grab a cup of tea or coffee or whatever you can have and enjoy.



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