Unicorns CAN have friends and good food


Yesterday was a learning experience. I learned there is only 1 main menu item at Chicken Salad Chick that is safe for this Unicorn: egg salad. Hmmm. I'll pass thanks.
I also learned that I have a great bunch of girlfriends (ok, so I knew that already, but it is nice to be reminded).
I also learned that 1-pot pasta recipes can be adapted to feed Unicorns and non-Unicorns. I was pretty nervous about all the steps and if I could make it happen without burning dinner or burning down the house. Happy to report that it all worked out AND the Unicorn version is actually really tasty! Check out "Creamy Chicken Pasta with Bacon" over on the Recipes page.

Oh, I also learned that I can eat my body weight in oatmeal cookies. That recipe is also on the Recipes page.

Happy eating!
