Unicorn + Chocolate = happy


Hey, y'all! Is it Monday where you are? Need a pick me up? I got you covered. Actually, I can't claim credit for this one at all. I didn't find this recipe; Abi did. And, I didn't have to modify it much (I swapped out unsweetened bakers chocolate for the chocolate chips, is all). I have found a fellow Unicorn! Ok, so as far as dessert goes, paleo is the new Unicorn. But, I'll take it! Are you ready?


Turns out more like cake, but who cares! GF -- flourless, actually, DF, SF (made with baker's chocolate instead of chips), and delicious! Even the Hubster liked it...and there's pumpkin in it! Crazy! He actually asked me to make it for a party we were going to.

Pop on over to the Recipes tab. You won't be sorry!
